
Children’s Ministry - Faith Kidz  

Jill Johnson -

Children's Pastor


(4-year-olds – 6th Grade) exists to help our children begin to “Grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. “ (Ephesians 3:18) It is our desire for our children to come to know Jesus at an early age and live for him a lifetime.


Sunday activities include Sunday School at 9:30 am and Children’s Worship at 10:30 am. We encourage our children to be involved in community-related activities and to showcase their talents often through drama, special music, and other involvements.







Impact Youth Group - Linda Taylor, Teen Pastor


We desire for God to become greater in our lives as we become less.  We desire to be filled with God that our every word, action, and thought becomes the testimony we live that we glorify God and God alone.  Our desire is to follow in the footsteps of Christ and to love as He loved and live as He lived.  Our ultimate goal in life is to be disciples of Christ because we might be the only Christ some people ever see.

Missions - Lead by Glenda King

We serve the one true Sovereign God and His Church is a universal one. We seek to learn more about our brothers and sisters around the world, and find ways we can help carry out the Great Commission.  We also participate in various local ministries and outreach. 



Nursing Home Outreach -
We join the residents of Claiborne Hughes Nursing Home for a service there on the first Sunday of the month at 2:00.  We sing praises, pray, study the Word, and fellowship together.  The holidays include some special activities including cookies and caroling for Christmas.  We are grateful for each of these members of our extended church family and the blessing they always bring us.


Loving People Ministry- Lead by Barbara Hood

No more commandment in the scripture is more clear and comprehensive than the call to help a brother or sister in need. In keeping with the steady instructions of our wonderful pastor we named our compassionate outreach program “Loving People” Ministry.

Men’s Ministry - Lead by Fred Ford


The second Saturday of each month the men meet together for breakfast, prayer and a featured  speaker.  They work together to serve the local church and the community through service projects.  And they help each other grow spiritually through Christian fellowship and accountability.

Senior Adult Ministry - Lead by Pastor Judy Frazier

Our seniors have chosen the name "J.O.Y. Club" (Jesus-Others-Yourself) for their ministry group in recognition of the joy possible in a Jesus-centered community.  The J.O.Y Club regularly fellowships together in local meetings (last Thursday of each month at 11:15AM), social gatherings, & day trips.  They also seek to be a blessing to others through compassionate fund-raisers and service projects.  

Women of Faith Ministry -

Fran Benson 

This ministry for women prays and serves together in an effort to strengthen relationships with one another and with God and to minister in and through the church.  They meet montly for fun, fellowship, and ministry planning.  Each year the ladies enjoy a time of retreat together and throughout the year participate in a variety of compassionate outreach activities.

Service Times

*Sunday School:



*Morning Worship:




Prayer Meeting:









8:00 AM - NOON

Last Date Updated: 9/10/24




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